About Us

About Creative Photo Adventures

In June 2023 we rebranded from Fusion Photography Workshops to Creative Photo Adventures.

My names’ Steven Gosling and I’m a photographer specialising in landscape, travel and stylish fashion, dance, and portrait photography. I’m also a graphic designer and bring a lot of my photography skills into my design work and vice-versa. For 20 years after leaving school I worked in broadcast engineering and recording studios… But my passion has always been photography. You can view some of my recent work in my Photography Portfolio.

I started these holidays and workshops as I often found my own photography to be a fairly solitary interest and wanted to spend time with like-minded creatives. I can talk photography for hours and love to teach and help others develop.

My photography has been published on book covers, magazines, blogs, articles, adverts, and exhibited internationally in various galleries. I have also won quite a few awards and competitions. I was also a finalist in the Wex Photo Video Photographer of the Year award.

We put in a lot of planning, research and invest time and money into every event. We never run a photo holiday or workshop which we have not effectively run and trialled ourselves. We visit the locations, scout the best places and time to shoot. For our model and dance workshops we source the best props, locations, makeup artists, stylists, dancers and models, plus of course creative costumes, outfits, ball gowns and head pieces. All the ingredients of an amazing and creative experience!

I also invest heavily in my own continuing photography education. I keep up with the latest Photoshop developments and can often be found attending other people’s workshops.

“If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff”  Jim Richardson, National Geographic

I really love this quote from Jim Richardson. Whilst its true that you can make great images from any subject in any place, I always find I am inspired to create better images if I have new and better subjects to photograph and what better way than to travel to new places and learn new techniques to create amazing photographs.

Fully insured

I carry full professional and public liability insurance.

What experience do I have to run workshops and tutor others?

I REALLY love teaching people how to create awesome pictures. If you let me, I can talk about photography all day, and get a massive kick to see people with results that make them feel proud.

I have organised over 200 photography related workshops, events, talks, and trips over the past 25 years.

I studied for a Degree in Multimedia with a specialism in Photography.

My travel photography is quite extensive, taking in most of the UK, Europe, Scandinavia (inside the Arctic Circle photographing the northern lights), Morocco, South Africa, Ireland, USA, Canada, Iceland, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Tibet, Vietnam, Cambodia, Turkey and Thailand. Thus, I am used to organising travel and hotels, etc.

In the past I have worked as a technical author, writing technical service manuals for broadcast cameras and audio-visual equipment, so I have good skills in explaining how things work in plain English.

Our photo workshops are designed with 4 things in mind

1 – Attendees enjoy themselves and have fun with other like-minded creatives

2 – Rewarding and massively improving your photography skills which allow you to move your photography forward

3 – Getting a feeling of pride when you look at your photographs

4 – Creating ethical plus environmentally and socially aware trips, mindful of how we impact the natural environment

My photography background

My interest in photography started around the age of 8 (around 1979) when my father gave me a Hanimex 110F Pocket Camera. Both the camera and I took dreadful photos, but I was hooked. A few more cameras later and my father bought me a Fujica AX-1 35mm film camera with a prime 50mm f1.8 lens. He had the AX-5 model so I could his lenses. By the time I left school all my spare money was spent on rolls of film. A few years later I bought a Nikon FM2 and started on my love for Nikon kit. Over the years, many more Nikon bodies and lenses were added to my kit bag. Together with a full black and white darkroom setup, I started exhibiting my images in galleries and exhibitions around the world.

My Nikon film and digital cameras to date: FM2, FA, FG, F301, F801s, D90, D3100, D5600, D610, D850, Z7 and Z8.

Later I started shooting a lot of model, fashion, beauty and lifestyle images, but still kept my love of the landscape. For around 8 years I ran Norfolk Photographic Workshop where I organised weekly photo shoots, talks, and other photo events. From here I started travelling more and developed a love for travel photography.

Dance photography was my next specialism, often combining this with big ball gowns. I love mixing genres to come up with creative images. After a few years I had a collection of big ball gowns and dresses (my wife jokes I own more dresses than she does) and after realising people were wanting to learn dance photography, I started a few workshops teaching dance photography. From here a bucket list item was the Venice Carnival. I attended and discovered this gem of a photo opportunity. Realising it was difficult to shoot the costumed characters with any control, I decided to merge my dance photography with some ball gowns (not out of place at the Venice Carnival) with a ballerina model and for the past few years I have developed this theme in a few different directions. But my Ballet & Ball Gowns Workshop at the Venice Carnival is my favourite!

In 2020 (a year no one will forget!) I started expanding my travel workshop plans and will soon have a schedule of interesting workshops based around landscape, travel, fashion, dance and ball gowns.

Can you help us?

We are always looking for new and interesting locations such as…

  • Derelict buildings which are safe to visit
  • Old factories with a worn out feel
  • Beautiful gardens or secret locations that are worth a visit and can make a great or unusual background
  • Stunning elegant homes that can make a great backdrop
  • Unusual props that can generate new ideas for photos

Do you have a photo idea that we can help with or collaborate?

If you run your own photography workshops and want to explore joint ventures or working together for mutual benefit then get in touch. We love creating new ideas and making them work.

Model or work with us

We are always looking for reliable and creative partners for our workshops. Are you a model, dancer, actor, makeup artist or stylist that wants to work with us? Get in touch.

Member of Nikon Professional Services

Member of Nikon Professional Services for UK & ROI

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In costume as an 80’s photographer extra in the Hollywood film “Spencer”

Follow me on Instagram.. stevengoslingphotography